Youth retail enterprise on the way

Today, 136 The Strand is an unused shop awaiting demolition to create a new pedestrian plaza linking Whakatāne’s main retail area to the river-edge. In a matter of days, it will be hive of activity and youthful entrepreneurial spirit.

Rather than leave this prime retail space empty over the Christmas and summer period, the Whakatāne District Council sought expressions of interest from young people keen to gain business experience who could create some fresh new shopping opportunities and bring extra vitality to the CBD.

Council Business Services Manager Aaron Milne says a number of applications were received, and three groups with complementary proposals have been selected to share the use of the rent-free space. “They all have strong mentor support, and we believe the products they will be offering are likely to generate customer interest and financially reward the individuals or groups involved,” he says. “It is beneficial to have the Chamber of Commerce involved in this project, particularly as they have offered to provide mentoring and guidance to the group.”

The budding businesses involved are:

  • INC (aka ink) – skateboard manufacturers and clothing design enthusiasts Nathan Quayle and Rhys Neiman, currently attending Edgecumbe College
  • Sweet Little Things – cupcake boutique operators Nicola Strydom and Maria Tomaszewski, currently attending Trident High School
  • Sports Club Retail Store – Led by Paroa Rugby and Sport Club, this venture will see students selected from local secondary schools involved in retailing merchandise on behalf of a range of local sports organisations

The three groups will collaborate on shared branding and any fit-out and aim to have their businesses up and running on the premises before the end of November. It is envisaged the retail operation will continue till at least the end of February 2014. For the duration of that period, the Council will cover reasonable outgoings, such as rates, electricity and water.

Applications were jointly assessed by Council staff and the Eastern Bay of Plenty Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, Gerard Casey. “This is a really exciting initiative and it is great to see the Council promoting innovation amongst our youth,” Mr Casey says.

First posted: 

Monday, 11 November 2013 - 12:00am