Help us shape the future of the Rangitāiki River

What does the Rangitāiki River mean to you? How can we protect and enhance the river, and balance its use with these values? Let us know so we can help plan for the river’s future.

The Rangitāiki River Forum is putting together a document that will give us direction for work we do to improve the health of the Rangitāiki River during the next 50 to 100 years. It’s an important document that will be used to guide the future management of the river.

To help us get the direction right, we need to know your thoughts about the Rangaitaiki River and those that flow into it – the Whirinaki, Wheao and Horomanga Rivers.

  • What changes have you seen in your lifetime?
  • How do you think we can make positive changes to the River?
  • What’s important to the future of the rivers for you and your family?

Come along to one of our open days and get involved in building a healthy future for the Rangitāiki River catchment.


10 am – 2 pm, Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Murupara Motor Camp, Main Road


10 am – 2 pm, Friday, 20 June 2014,
Riverslea Shopping Mall, 14 College Road

Further information on the Open Days is available in the flyer below.

Shaping the future of the Rangitāiki - (PDF, 798 KB)

First posted: 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014 - 10:24am