Property Files

Property and resource consent information is now online for you to search and download.

Address searching e.g. 10 Smith Street or 10A Smith Street or 1/10A Smith Street
Valuation searching e.g. 07101/264.03 or 0710126403
Road search e.g. Smith Street
Legal description searching e.g. Lot 2 DP 431244

Please note, this search function does not support macrons

Property Files Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I don't find my property files?

There are a number of reasons property files may not be available for your address. Get in touch with us online and our team will look into it.

What are confidential files and can I see them?

If you're seeing the confidential files message - it means there are some. They could be emails, ufo records or even future plans to put a golf course in your backyard. You can request these, get in touch with us online and our team will look into it. We may not be able to provide everything for privacy reasons, but we'll let you know.

How does the Online Property service work?

You can quickly and easily search for a 'property address' and digitally view and download the related public Property Files.

Why use Online Property services?

Perhaps you wish to research your existing property, or maybe you wish to research a property you are considering purchasing.

When did Property Files become available?

Our Property Files have always been publicly available on request. This 24/7 digital service makes Property Files conveniently available and not limited to council operating hours.

Note: From time to time we perform system maintenance and this service will be subject to short-scheduled outages. We will inform customers ahead of time whenever this is the case.

What addresses can I search for?

You can search existing 'property addresses' within the Whakatāne District.

What is a property address?

A property address is a location-based address that is assigned to a section of land and/or a dwelling.

How does addressing link to property, sections and dwellings?

A dwelling is a structure with the intended use of human habitation e.g. your home is your dwelling. Your dwelling will be located on a section which is a legal area of land.
Depending on who is using the word ‘property’ it can refer to multiple scenarios, [1] a dwelling, [2] a section with dwelling(s), [3] just a section.

Who creates property addresses for the Whakatāne District?

Whakatāne District Council is the only agency authorised to create, change, and archive property addresses within the Whakatāne District.

What needs to be addressed?

Every dwelling requires a unique address as this enables critical delivery and emergency services to be provided. Also, every legal area of land (sometimes referred to as a section) requires a property address, even if it has no dwelling. If materials need to be delivered, the section can be located easily.

It is a legal requirement for properties to have an address that aligns with the Addressing standards and guidelines as provided by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) – Toitū Te Whānau.

Do you have a query about our property addressing regulations?


Do you wish you make a ‘Property File Enquiry’ with Whakatāne District Council?

Visit Property Files Enquiry.

Can an address change?

Yes. Several scenarios may require an address to change, including:
[1] Subdividing a section, [2] Renaming a road, [3] Building an additional dwelling, [4] Changing the access point to a property.

Need a property 'postal address'?

Visit the NZ Post Find an address or a postcode search tool.

Still have questions, or do you need a hand?

If you have any questions about the information provided, or you are experiencing issues accessing online property files get in touch with us online and our team will look into it.

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