Closed consultations

This section contains past consultations which have now closed. These consultations are no longer active and are presented exclusively for archival purposes. More information is available within each consultation's page.


Speed Review

District Speed Management (Local Speed Review)

We want everyone who calls the Whakatāne District home, or who visits our community, to be safe when using our streets and roads. To do this, we need the right speeds on our roads for everyone, whether you are walking to the shops, biking to school, driving to work, or making deliveries.

Arts, Culture, Creativity Strategy Tile

Arts, Culture, Creativity Strategy

We've developed our very first district-wide arts, culture and creativity strategy to help guide, direct and support our investment in the arts in the short, medium and long term.

Korero Mai - and camera image

Community safety camera project

We've upgraded the existing CCTV network with modern cameras, added additional cameras and improved system monitoring abilities with help from Better Off Funding. 

We want to hear from you

Whāia tonuhia - Let's keep moving

We're starting to work on a long-term vision for the District, this work will not only set Council's priorities and direction, but it will carry the thoughts, aspirations and dreams of our communities and turn them into action.

Glass of water

Backflow Prevention Policy

We're proposing a new policy to prevent the backflow of water from private properties that may pose a serious risk to the wider public’s health. 

Property Policy 2023 Thumb

Property Policy 2023

The purpose of this Policy is to provide clear and transparent processes and principles for how Council manages and makes decisions about property.

Kids laughing and having ice cream

Te Ara Hou

Whakatāne Town Centre and Riverfront. A once-in-a-generation opportunity to revitalise the Whakatāne town centre and riverfront area. Thank you for your interest, the first stage of consultation has now closed.

Active Whakatāne Page Thumbnail

Active Whakatāne

Active Whakatāne is a strategy that aims to make active modes of travel like walking, cycling and scootering around the district easier and safer for all ages and abilities.

Dog Park

Dog Control Policy Review 2022

Whakatāne District Council is reviewing its Dog Control Policy and the draft Policy is now available for community feedback.

3D example of innovating streets

Innovating Streets

Council has secured $494,000 of funding from Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency) to work with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, community and town centre businesses to co-design and activate space in the Kākahoroa Drive car park area.

LTP Consultation

Long Term Plan 2021-31 Consultation

We've started the process to create our next Long Term Plan for 2021-31. This will set out what we intend to deliver for our communities over the next 10 years, with the first three years in more detail.

Plan Change 3 - Matters of Control

Proposed Plan Change 3 consists of 17 separate changes to the District Plan that have been identified since the District Plan was made operative in 2017.

Annual Plan, Te Mahere Ā-Tau 2020/21 Consultation

Our proposed changes this year represent a great deal of change from the Long-Term Plan, as we recover from the dual blow of the Whakaari / White Island eruption and COVID-19. It also includes funding for some truly exciting projects. Thank you for your interest, consultation has now closed. Find out more »

Climate Change Icons and beach

Climate Change Strategy and Action Plans

Thank you for your interest, consultation closed 5 pm, Friday 4 September 2020. Our climate is changing and the implications are significant. Our community has already voiced the urgency of taking early climate action.

Draft Climate Change Principles

Thank you for your interest, engagement on our draft Principles closed on Friday, 30 August 2019. Feedback will be considered and the final Principles adopted by the Council on Wednesday, 18 September 2019. If you would like to learn more about our Climate Change Project, or provide further feedback to the Council on our Project, please see our Climate Change Project Page.

Draft Parks and Reserves Bylaw 2018

Council staff have reviewed Part 17: Parks and Reserves Bylaw 2008 and consider that while some of the bylaw is relevant and working well, much of it duplicates other bylaws or prohibits activities already covered by legislation. Therefore the most significant change proposed in this Draft Bylaw is the deletion of 14 sections from the existing bylaw.

Future in focus

Future in Focus - Arotahi ki Anamata

Our District and communities will face some big challenges and opportunities over the coming ten years and beyond. This represents an exciting time to ‘Reimagine’ what the future of our District can be. Thank you for your interest, consultation has now closed. Find out more »

Significance and Engagement Policy

We're committed to making informed and sustainable decisions in the best interests of the communities and District and to ensure that the decisions made reflect the aspirations of tangata whenua, residents, ratepayers, community groups and business. Kōrero Mai - Let's Talk »

Gambling Policy Review 2019

The draft Gambling Policy is now available for community input, along with the draft Social Impact Assessment which has helped to inform the Policy revision.
28 May 2019 - Committee adopts unchanged Gambling Policy, read the media release.

Draft Alcohol Bylaw 2018

The Council has reviewed Part 15: Liquor Control of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008 and wishes to revoke it and replace it with the Draft Alcohol Control Bylaw 2018.

Draft Beaches Bylaw 2018

The Council has reviewed Part 13: Beaches of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008 and wishes to revoke it and replace it with the Draft Beaches Bylaw 2018.

Draft Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw 2018

The Council has reviewed Part 9: Cemeteries and Crematoria of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008 and wishes to revoke it and replace it with the Draft Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw 2018.

Draft Dog Control Bylaw 2018

The Council has reviewed Part 6: Dog Control of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008 and wishes to revoke it and replace it with the Draft Dog Control Bylaw 2018.

Draft Ports and Wharves Bylaw 2018

The Council has reviewed Part 14: Ports and Wharves of the Consolidated Bylaw 2008 and wishes to revoke it and replace it with the Draft Ports and Wharves Bylaw 2018.

Proposed Plan Change 2 (Keepa Road)

Council has received a private plan change request from Harrison Grierson Consultants Limited on behalf of Lysaght Developments. Plan Change 2 is a private plan change request that seeks to change the zone of two parcels of land at 23 and 45 Keepa Road, Whakatāne.

Draft District Reserve Management Plan

This Draft Plan will provide the Council with a clear framework for the day to day management and decision making for all the Council owned reserves and open spaces within the District.

Possible introduction of Māori Wards

The Council’s Policy Committee asked for feedback from Iwi, Hapū and individual community members on options for enhancing Māori involvement in Council decision-making processes. 

Whakatāne Town Centre Plan

Whakatāne District Council is currently reviewing the Whakatāne Town Vision Plan, and we asked for your input to help prepare a fresh Town Centre Plan for Whakatāne.

Easter Sunday Trading - shopowner consultation

The law around whether shops can open on Easter Sunday changed last year. Councils can now adopt a policy that allows shops in their district to choose whether they want to open on Easter Sunday. We want to know what you think, should we allow shops to choose to open on Easter Sunday? 

Proposed Policy – Freeholding of Harbour Lease Land

Since 2002, a moratorium has been in place to prevent the sale of leasehold land in the town centre. This proposed freeholding policy would continue the general prohibition of land sales, unless a compelling case can be presented to show that such a sale would significantly benefit the community.

Combined Waters Bylaw 2017

The Whakatāne District Council (the Council) seeks your views on a new Combined Waters Bylaw. The proposed bylaw contains a revised, updated version of three existing bylaw parts of Whakatāne District Council’s Consolidated Bylaw which are due to expire in 2018.

Proposed changes to Fees and Charges - food industry and licenced premises

The Whakatāne District Council is proposing to include a section of new fees in its Fees and Charges Schedule for 2017/18, as a result of the commencement of the Food Act 2014. Council is also reviewing the fees and charges currently set out in Sections 26 and 28.3 of the Schedule (General Licences, Registration, Verification, and Audit Fees).

CCTV Policy review

The Whakatāne Community Safety Group heard the views of the community on the draft CCTV Policy.

Annual Budget Update 2016/17 - consultation

While our budget and work plans for the coming year are set out in the Council’s Long Term Plan 2015-25, the Annual Plan provides an opportunity to make adjustments for the year ahead, where needed.

Gambling Policy Review

The Gambling Policy (Class 4 Venue and Board Venue) focuses on non-casino gaming machines (pokies) and Board Venues (stand-alone TABs). It specifies whether or not gaming machine venues may be established in the District and, if so, where they may be located.

Improving Water Quality to Edgecumbe and Te Teko

A project to improve the quality of water supplied to Edgecumbe, with future stages looking at other areas of the Rangitāiki Plains, such as Awakeri and Te Teko. Five possible options have been put forward for consideration and we are now seeking community views on which option to pursue.

Public Places Bylaw consultation

The Council’s Public Places Bylaw has been reviewed and was made available for community consultation. Submissions were received from Friday, 6 November 2015 to 5 pm Monday, 7 December 2015.

Representation Review 2015

The Whakatāne District Council confirmed its preferred democratic representation structure for the next six years and sought formal community feedback on the proposal.

Proposed Whakatāne District Plan - submissions and hearings

Council notified the summary of decisions sought in submissions and called for further submissions either in support or in opposition to original submissions. Further submissions closed 5 pm, 19 December 2013. Further submissions to original submissions 71 and 75 closed 30 January 2014.

Social Housing Review

The Council has undertaken a Social Housing Review to ensure that the tenants of social housing in our District are receiving the best service to meet their needs, now and in the future. Consultation closed 30 July 2014.