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Climate Change Submissions

To ensure that we continue to advocate for our communities, the Council regularly makes submissions to central and regional-level processes.

A submission is an opportunity to present opinions, observations and recommendations on a matter before a select committee or authority.

By making these submissions, the Council delivers on its Climate Change Action Plan - Leadership and Collaboration: Work with and advocate to regional and central government on climate change-related processes.

Climate Change Commission - Emissions Reduction Plan

The Council has submitted to the Climate Change Commission on their second advice package to the Government, which will form the second iteration of the national Emissions Reduction Plan. Our submission focussed on a local government perspective while providing the Commission with context of the Whakatāne District. To support our submission we have included a table which set out feedback on the Commission's specific consultation questions.

Submission to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan - (PDF, 1 MB)

New Zealand Emission Reduction Plan 

Our joint Bay of Plenty local authorities submission to the Ministry for the Environment's draft New Zealand Emission Reduction Plan provides context on specific aspects unique to the Bay of Plenty as a region, as well as a high level position on a range of emission reduction specific topics like transport, agriculture and forestry.

Joint Bay of Plenty local authorities submission to the Ministry for the Environment's draft New Zealand Emission Reduction Plan - (PDF, 748 KB)

Climate Change Commission 

The Council's submission to the Climate Change Commission's first advice to Government includes two key considerations for responding to climate change from a local government perspective, and provides context on the unique aspects of the Whakatāne District.

It also includes a table that sets out our feedback on specific consultation questions that most strongly relate to us.

Submission to the Climate Change Commission's first advice package from Whakatāne District Council - (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Climate Change Commission Bay of Plenty joint regional submission - (PDF, 360 KB)

Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Our submission on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-31 has a strong climate change focus, due to the nature of the consultation.

The two key points in our submission relate, firstly, to the provision of regionally significant infrastructure, in particular a wastewater solution for Matatā, and secondly, to our region's response to climate change.

Submission to the Long Term Plan 2021-31 from the Whakatāne District Council - (PDF, 695 KB)

Regional Land Transport Plan

The submission to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2021-31 specifically outline the Council’s interest in working collaboratively on projects that: 

  • Address the challenges of climate change for the Bay of Plenty.
  • Support and promote use of alternate modes of transport.
  • Increase the frequency and accessibility of public transport services.

Whakatāne District Council submission on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2021‐31 - (PDF, 231 KB)

Zero Carbon Bill

Our submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill supports net zero emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases by 2050 and the stabilisation of short-lived gases, such as methane, at or below existing levels.

Submission to the Zero Carbon Bill from the Whakatāne District Council - (PDF, 731 KB)

Read the media release.

Biodiversity credit system 

A central government initiative to support the protection and restoration of native wildlife has been out for consultation and Whakatāne District Council has thrown its support behind the idea. 

Submission to biodiversity credit system - (PDF, 233 KB)