The Whakatāne District Recovery Debrief and Toolbox is a snapshot of activities undertaken and is designed to provide the local and wider New Zealand community with insights and "tools" that may help during future recovery efforts.
On 6 April 2017, the Whakatāne District experienced widespread damage to homes, propertv, businesses, farms, the natural environment and infrastructure as a result of the events generated by ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie and ex-Tropical Cyclone Cook. During this event, 1,600 people were evacuated from Edgecumbe town and the surrounding area after the Rangitāiki River stopbank breached on College Road, causing extensive flooding. A number of residents in Poroporo, Rūātoki, Thornton and Tāneatua also had to leave their homes, and some rural communities were isolated for more than a week.
A local state of emergency for the Whakatāne District was declared on 6 April 2017 in response to ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie. For our District, this was a large-scale event.
One year on, although the Recovery efforts continue, it is important to capture and review the actions undertaken for recovery, whilst the key agencies and personnel are readily accessible and knowledge remains fresh.
Recovery partners and agencies
The Whakatāne District Council acknowledges the multiple partners and associated agencies within the Recovery Office that have contributed to the Recovery and provided substantive feedback to this resource.
The outcome document provides a balance of all the viewpoints and learnings presented through the debrief process, whilst endeavouring to provide a readily available, encompassing and holistic resource from the Whakatāne District Council Recovery perspective.
Details on the Debrief and Toolbox
We anticipatethat by sharing our Whakatāne recovery story (the good, the bad and the ugly) the range of learning experiences, the pathways taken and the tools used to realise our recovery objectives will benefit others in years to come. Information in this document does not necessarily represent best practice, or a "how to" guide to complex, multiple-agency recovery actions, but it does provide a starting point for others to use and improve on.
As well as capturing our "recovery story", a compendium of resources (toolbox) that can be re-used by the Whakatāne District Council, or any other Council or agency in the event of a future flood or natural disaster, is available as part of the resource.
The document is organised into three main parts:
- Part A - Deconstructing recovery activities - A description of each recovery activity and its successes and challenges/lesson learned forms the basis of Part A.
- Part B - An overview of key themes and insights - Analysis of responses highlighted some key themes and insights into the recovery process. Part B explores these key themes, and provides insights that may inform planning for future recovery processes.
- Part C - Toolbox of templates, processes and procedures - A collection of resources to use, adapt and improve. The toolbox is a compilation of templates, resources, plans, processes and flow charts used across all recovery activities.
Whakatāne District Recovery Debrief
The Whakatāne District Recovery Debrief document, containing Parts A and B of the overall Debrief/Toolbox document, is available for download below.
Whakatāne District Recovery Debrief April 2017 - Part A and Part B - (PDF, 7.6 MB)
Whakatāne District Recovery Toolbox
The toolbox is a compilation of templates, resources, plans, processes and flow charts used across all recovery activities. Containing Part C of the overall Debrief/Toolkit document, the Toolbox is a collection of resources to use, adapt and improve. The toolbox is available in one of two formats: the full document as a printable PDF, or individual files in their original formats which you may download and use as needed.
Printable Toolbox
Recovery Toolbox - Full Document - (PDF, 36 MB) - Note large file size
Downloadable Toolbox files
- Strategy, Planning, and Intel
- 1 Recovery Overview - (PDF, 681 KB)
- 2 Whakatane District Recovery Powerpoint Overview - (PowerPoint, 9.9 MB)
- 3 Recovery Action Programme - (.docx, 3.8 MB)
- 4 Communication and Partnership Plan - (.docx, 676 KB)
- 5 Whakatane District Recovery Team Relationship diagram with multiple agencies - (.docx, 192 KB)
- Communications
- 7 Infographic example June 2017 - (PDF, 2 MB)
- 8 Infographic example Jan 2018 - (JPG, 186 KB)
- 9a Recovery Newsletter No 1 - (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- 9b Recovery Newsletter No 25 - (PDF, 394 KB)
- 9c Recovery Newsletter No 40 - (PDF, 544 KB)
- 9d Recovery Newsletter No 48 - (PDF, 4.2 MB)
- 9e Rural Recovery No1 - (PDF, 602 KB)
- 10 School Children safety focus - (PDF, 506 KB)
- 11a SitRep 2017 - (.docx, 364 KB)
- 11b SitRep 2018 - (.docx, 985 KB)
- 12 Watch your Waste Poster Mock Up - (.docx, 593 KB)
- Community
- 13 Mayoral Assistance Grant Form - (PDF, 487 KB)
- 14 Recovery Support and Funding Assistance Flyer - (PDF, 870 KB)
- 15a Navigator flyer - (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- 15b Whakatane District Navigation Service - (.docx, 1.2 MB)
- 15c Case for Navigators - (.docx, 202 KB)
- 15d Navigation Service Oversight Committee Draft - (.docx, 107 KB)
- 15e Navigator Structure - (.docx, 192 KB)
- 15f Team Lead Navigator Position Description - (.docx, 191 KB)
- 15g Community Support Officer Position description - (.docx, 176 KB)
- 15h Navigator Service Monthly Report Form - (.docx, 96 KB)
- 15i Navigation Service Initial Assessment form - (.docx, 111 KB)
- 15j Navigation Service Privacy consent form - (.docx, 90 KB)
- 15k Navigator Report Feb 2018 example - (.docx, 943 KB)
- 16a BOPDHB Psychosocial Support Implementation Plan V5 March 2018 - (.docx, 1.3 MB)
- 16b Psychosocial Implementation Monthy Report example - (.docx, 135 KB)
- 17a Volunteer Handbook - (.docx, 131 KB)
- 17b Volunteers HS Briefing - Template - (.docx, 188 KB)
- 18 Draft Edgecumbe Community Action Plan - (.docx, 497 KB)
- Economic
- 19 Support for Businesses Pamphlet - (.docx, 172 KB)
- 20 Whakatane District Business Recovery Grants Terms of reference - (.docx, 175 KB)
- 21 Whakatane District Business Recovery Grants Funding Confidentiality and Conflict Agreement - (.docx, 175 KB)
- 22 Whakatane District Business recovery Grant Application Process - (PowerPoint, 1.7 MB)
- 23 Business Recovery Grant - Financial review of application - example - (PDF, 218 KB)
- 24 Draft Sliding Scale Scoring - (.docx, 229 KB)
- 25 Whakatane District Business Recovery Grant Application Form - (.docx, 87 KB)
- 26 Edgecumbe Recovery Needs Form - (.docx, 43 KB)
- Built
- 27a Be Silt Safe Poster - (.docx, 257 KB)
- 27b Information Notice to contractors trades volunteers - (PDF, 133 KB)
- 27c H&S protocols work faecal asbestos - (.docx, 150 KB)
- 27d Flood affected Hazardous Building Waste Disposal Process - (PDF, 182 KB)
- 27e MBIE factsheet disaster recovery health risks biological agents - (PDF, 623 KB)
- 27f Recovery Office Worksafe - Methamphetamine and contractors - (PDF, 429 KB)
- 27g Toi Te Ora Public health handout April 2017 - (.docx, 409 KB)
- 27h School Safety Edgecumbe - Road Safe - (.docx, 965 KB)
- 28a Funding the Liveable Homes Project (LHP) - (PDF, 269 KB)
- 28b Liveable Homes Project Process & Documents Templates - (.docx, 1.0 MB)
- 28c What is a Liveable Home - (.docx, 188 KB)
- 28d Liveable Homes Owner Agreement - (.docx, 285 KB)
- 28e Site Hazard and Risk Register - Template - (.docx, 187 KB)
- 28f Site Inspection Sheet - (.docx, 182 KB)
- 28g Procedure for handling and disposal of isolated asbestos pieces - (.docx, 174 KB)
- 28h Insulation Offering Owner - Agreement - (.docx, 279 KB)
- 29 Removal of Silt and Debris - EQC - Edgecumbe handout only - (.docx, 597 KB)
- 30 yellow stickered rebuild guidelines - (PDF, 91 KB)
- 31a Red Stickered Properties - Assisted Access Entry - Process and Protocols - (.docx, 10.7 MB)
- 31b Red Stickered Properties - Access ID Cards Process - (.docx, 219 KB)
- 31c Tailgate Safety Meeting Form - Example - (PDF, 106 KB)
- 31d Overlapping H&S Duties Form - Example - (PDF, 76 KB)
- 32a Installing Portacabins onto private property at Edgecumbe - MBIE WDC Process only - (PDF, 572 KB)
- 32b Installing Portacabins Checklist - (PDF, 588 KB)
- 32c Additional Guidance Notes for Portacabins - (.docx, 141 KB)
- Natural and Rural
- 33 Bay of Plenty Land Use Maps - April 2017 Floods - (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- 34 Erosion Report - (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- 35 Erosion Project April 2017 Map - (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- 36 Reduce Biosecurity Risk Handout - (PDF, 285 KB)
- 37 Farm and farm owner assessment spreadsheet template (Rural Support Trust) - (.xlsx, 19 KB)
- 38a Kopuriki Road - (.docx, 141 KB)
- 38b Biodiversity - (.docx, 140 KB)
- 38c Erosion assessment - (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- 38d Rivers and Drainage - (.docx, 143 KB)
- 38e Roading - (.docx, 142 KB)
- 38f Working with Rural Communities - (.docx, 146 KB)
- 38g Rural Support Trust BBQs - (.png, 691 KB)